lizards (Dragos)
This is some of the Dragons we have at Orøstrand Petting zoo we have 4 lizards 1 Common Blue-tongued Lizard www.reptileparadise.com 1 Great Plated Lizard 2 Sudan plated lizard www.reptileparadise.com info ------------------------------------------- description: A large, stout plated lizard, with a short head and large eyes. The animals are yellow-brown on the upper surface; each scale is often dark-centered, creating a speckled to striped effect. The chin and throat are usually yellow or cream, and the underside is grey to light brown. ---------------------------------------------- Distribution Southeastern Africa, eastern Kenya, Tanzania, and Mozambique ---------------------------------------------- Adult size 12 - 16 inches ---------------------------------------------- Natural Habitats Terrestrial; savanna and steppe areas ----------------------------------------------- Cage A simple and easy-to-clean cage is the best thing, specially for adults. It should be large enough but does not need to be high because they do not climb much. (eg Wooden Terrarium, Glass Terrarium) ------------------------------------------------ Substrate wood shavings, barks (eg Repti Bark, Coconut Bark), gravel, sand (eg Repti Sand, Calci-Sand), compressed paper granules (eg Good Mews) ------------------------------------------------- Activity period Daytime (diurnal); 12 - 14 hours each day with direct natural sunlight or UV lamp (eg ReptiSun 5.0, UV Heat Bulb ...
Repti.net (reptinet)
Neon Tree Dragon juvenile--- 1st day!
Just got my brand new neon tree dragon juvenile!! As noted in the video, this setup is temporary and I will be moving it into a larger setup real soon. Any one with ANY useful info about these lizards would be helpful. more videos to come
Repti.net (reptinet)
Frilled Dragon - Bonding Time
Just hanging out with my little buddy Poncho. The best way to start the taming process is to take your Frilly into the bathroom, close the door and let them scoot around. Its good exercise for them, plus a little bonding time for the both of you!
Repti.net (reptinet)
Heloderma, the only genus of the family Helodermatidae, consists of venomous lizards native to the southwestern United States, Mexico and as far south as Guatemala. It includes two separate species, with six subspecies. Their closest living relatives are the anguid lizards.[1] Helodermatids (or beaded lizards) are large, stocky, slow-moving reptiles that prefer semi-arid habitats.[2] The tails are short and used as fat storage organs. They are covered with small, non-overlapping bead-like scales, with osteoderms on the underside of the body. Both species are dark in color, with yellowish or pinkish markings.[3] Members of the family are venomous.[4] Unlike snakes, venom glands are located in the lower jaw, and cannot be ejected under pressure. The venom is typically used only in defense, rather than in subduing prey, and the lizard must chew on its victim to work the venom into the flesh. Venom glands are believed to have evolved early in the lineage leading to the modern helodermatids, as there are indications of their presence even in the 65-million-year-old fossil genus Paraderma.[3][5] Venom production among lizards was long thought to be unique to this genus, but may be present in several monitor lizards and agamids as well.[1] This controversial new view holds that venom production dates back to the common ancestor of the clade Toxicofera, which includes all snakes and 13 families of lizards.[1] Helodermatids are carnivorous, preying on rodents and other small ...
Repti.net (reptinet)
Green Tree Dragon (Bronchocela cristatella)
Green Tree Dragon (Bronchocela cristatella) * Family: Agamidae, * Genus: Bronchocela, * Species: B. cristatella, * Phylum: Chordata, * Class: Reptilia, * Order: Squamata, * Suborder: Iguania, * Type: Reptile, * Diet: Omnivore, * Avarege lifespan in the wilds: no data, * Size: body length is of 13 cm, and the total length (body + tail) is of 57 cm, * Weight: no data, ** Bronchocela cristatella, also known as the Green Crested Lizard, is an agamid lizard found in Southeast Asia: Malaysia (West Malaysia and Borneo), Singapore, Indonesia More info: en.wikipedia.org
Repti.net (reptinet)
Dragones Barbudos en Faunia
El dragón barbudo (Pogona vitticeps) es una especie de reptil de la familia de los agámidos originario de las regiones desérticas y semidesérticas de Australia. Es diurno, omnívoro y terrestre semiarborícola. Actualmente es comercializado como mascota en diversos lugares del mundo. Es un lagarto de paso firme con garras no retráctiles. Sus párpados pueden cerrarse y abrirse. Su gran cabeza triangular diapside está rodeada por una hilera de escamas espinosas bajo el cuello, que le sirve para intimidar a posibles rivales oa depredadores. Cuando se siente amenazado, el dragón barbudo abre ampliamente la boca, desplegando al mismo tiempo su barba de espinas, la cual se colorea de negro,con el fin de impresionar sus adversarios Una serie de escamas espinosas está también presente a ambos lados del cuerpo. A lo largo de su espalda tienen dos hileras de manchas. Las "fases" de coloración son muy diversas. Los machos adultos, que llegan a medir hasta 60 cm de largo ya pesar 450 g, son más grandes que las hembras; poseen varios poros femorales bien diferenciados situados dentro de los muslos. Los abultamientos del hemipene a ambos lados de la cola, son visibles en los machos. Hay dragones barbudos de una gran variedad de colores, incluyendo castaño, pardo, gris, verde, rojizo, y anaranjado. cada individuo es capaz de experimentar cambios muy leves de su color para ayudar a regular su temperatura y expresar su estado de ánimo. -------------- Pogona vitticeps, the Central (or Inland ...
Repti.net (reptinet)
3 little baby bearded dragons
A Miniture Bearded Dragon may be one of several species of agamid lizards in the genus Pogona found in zoos and private collections. Pogona describes seven species found across Australia, some of which are bred and sold as pets. These captive animals are also called Beardies by those who breed or raise them. Miniture Bearded Dragons are popular exotic pets, most commonly Pogona vitticeps, the Inland or Central Bearded Dragon. They are a popular species among children, because of their friendly and calm nature, along with the relative ease of caring for them. Most Bearded Dragons in captivity have broad triangular heads and flattened bodies, with adults reaching approximately 16-22 inches from head to tail. When threatened, they will expand a spiny pouch under their jaw, as well as inhale air and puff up to make themselves appear larger. The pouch resembles a beard, lending the animal their name. Males have a distinct set of pre-anal pores between the back legs and have hemipenal bulges at the vent area. Females lack both the pores and bulges. The pores are easy to see by simply looking at the underside of the dragon. With the tail vertical it is easier to see the two bulges formed by the hemipenes on the males. Females do not have the two bulges or the indentation between the lumps, rather females have one small broad lump that is closer to the vent. Males and females are of comparable size, although males usually sport a larger head and a thicker tail base than the ...
Repti.net (reptinet)
Angle Head Lizard
Angle Head Lizard, a rare and beautiful lizard was captured on tape in a tropical rain forest in Kedah, a Malaysia state. Both the male and female were seen basking on trees beside a stream deep in a jungle.
Repti.net (reptinet)
Reptile of the day Ep.3 Frilled Dragon
mastermindnews- New Reptile of the day. Frilled Dragon The frill-necked lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingii), also known as the frilled lizard or frilled dragon, is found mainly in northern Australia and southern New Guinea. Its name comes from the large frill around its neck, which usually stays folded against the lizard's body. It is largely arboreal, spending the majority of the time in the trees. The lizard's diet consists mainly of insects and small vertebrates. The frill-necked lizard is a relatively large lizard, reaching up to 91.4 cm in length. It may also be kept in captivity. The frill-necked lizard is so called because of the large ruff of skin which usually lies folded back against its head and neck. The neck frill is supported by long spines of cartilage which are connected to the jaw bones. When the lizard is frightened, it gapes its mouth, exposing a bright pink or yellow lining; the frill flares out as well, displaying bright orange and red scales. This reaction is often used to discourage predators or during courtship. The lizard is a member of the agamid family. It a relatively large lizard, growing up to 91.4 cm. The lizard is also capable of bipedal locomotion. The frill-necked lizard does not have a standard colour; however, it is characterised by a body that is darker than its frill. There is only one recorded species of the frill-necked lizard; however, the immense variations of colour among the species has led some scientists to hypothesise more than ...
Repti.net (reptinet)
Indian spiny-tailed lizard, Rajasthan
Indian spiny-tailed lizard is a species of agamid lizard. These lizards are mainly herbivorous are live in numbers in some areas. These lizards are found in loose clusters and attract raptors and predators. The Spiny-tailed lizard has a rounded head with a flat snout. It is usually yellowish brown, sandy or olive in colour. It has distinctive tail whorls of spiny scales with large spines on the side which give the lizard its name. They are limbed lizards with broad heads and stout bodies, and most adults grow up to about 25 to 30 cm (10 to 12 inches) in length. Their stout tail is armed with numerous protective spines that discourage most predators. Some spiny-tailed lizards defend themselves by partly entering their burrows and then violently lashing their exposed tails from side to side at their enemies. All species lay eggs and are predominately herbivorous as adults. Thisfootage is part of the professionally-shot stock footage archive of Wilderness Films India Ltd., the largest collection of imagery from South Asia. The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of thousands of hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM 1080i High Definition, HDV and Digital Betacam. Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world... wfi @ vsnl.com and admin@wildfilmsindia.com.
Repti.net (reptinet)
lizards of the family Agamidae, include more than 300 species in Africa, Asia, Australia, and a few in Southern Europe. Many species are commonly called dragons or dragon lizards.
Repti.net (reptinet)
Indian spiny-tailed lizard in Desert National Park, Rajasthan
Indian spiny-tailed lizard is a species of agamid lizard. These lizards are mainly herbivorous are live in numbers in some areas. These lizards are found in loose clusters and attract raptors and predators. The Spiny-tailed lizard has a rounded head with a flat snout. It is usually yellowish brown, sandy or olive in colour. It has distinctive tail whorls of spiny scales with large spines on the side which give the lizard its name. They are limbed lizards with broad heads and stout bodies, and most adults grow up to about 25 to 30 cm (10 to 12 inches) in length. Their stout tail is armed with numerous protective spines that discourage most predators. Some spiny-tailed lizards defend themselves by partly entering their burrows and then violently lashing their exposed tails from side to side at their enemies. All species lay eggs and are predominately herbivorous as adults. Thisfootage is part of the professionally-shot stock footage archive of Wilderness Films India Ltd., the largest collection of imagery from South Asia. The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of thousands of hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM 1080i High Definition, HDV and Digital Betacam. Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world... wfi @ vsnl.com and admin@wildfilmsindia.com.
Repti.net (reptinet)
Agama Lizards of Tanzania
A short film featuring the Agama Lizards encountered on a Wildeye trip to Tanzania in November 2008. See www.wildeye.co.uk
Repti.net (reptinet)
Indian Spiny-tailed lizard in Desert National Park
Indian spiny-tailed lizard is a species of agamid lizard. These lizards are mainly herbivorous are live in numbers in some areas. These lizards are found in loose clusters and attract raptors and predators. The Spiny-tailed lizard has a rounded head with a flat snout. It is usually yellowish brown, sandy or olive in colour. It has distinctive tail whorls of spiny scales with large spines on the side which give the lizard its name. They are limbed lizards with broad heads and stout bodies, and most adults grow up to about 25 to 30 cm (10 to 12 inches) in length. Their stout tail is armed with numerous protective spines that discourage most predators. Some spiny-tailed lizards defend themselves by partly entering their burrows and then violently lashing their exposed tails from side to side at their enemies. All species lay eggs and are predominately herbivorous as adults. Thisfootage is part of the professionally-shot stock footage archive of Wilderness Films India Ltd., the largest collection of imagery from South Asia. The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of thousands of hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM 1080i High Definition, HDV and Digital Betacam. Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world... wfi @ vsnl.com and admin@wildfilmsindia.com.
Repti.net (reptinet)
Arabian Toad Headed Agama
The Arabian Toad Headed Agama or Phrynocephalus arabicus is a small, poorly studied lizard. It is a "sit and wait" predator and may use its black tail to attract prey. [No Copyright Infringement Intended]
Repti.net (reptinet)
Chewy eats a worm
my youngest bearded dragon Chewy eats a super worm.. She usually chews her food extremely well (hence the name) but this time she chews a little less vigorously than her usual.
Repti.net (reptinet)
Indian spiny-tailed lizard in Rajasthan
Indian spiny-tailed lizard is a species of agamid lizard. These lizards are mainly herbivorous are live in numbers in some areas. These lizards are found in loose clusters and attract raptors and predators. The Spiny-tailed lizard has a rounded head with a flat snout. It is usually yellowish brown, sandy or olive in colour. It has distinctive tail whorls of spiny scales with large spines on the side which give the lizard its name. They are limbed lizards with broad heads and stout bodies, and most adults grow up to about 25 to 30 cm (10 to 12 inches) in length. Their stout tail is armed with numerous protective spines that discourage most predators. Some spiny-tailed lizards defend themselves by partly entering their burrows and then violently lashing their exposed tails from side to side at their enemies. All species lay eggs and are predominately herbivorous as adults. Thisfootage is part of the professionally-shot stock footage archive of Wilderness Films India Ltd., the largest collection of imagery from South Asia. The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of thousands of hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM 1080i High Definition, HDV and Digital Betacam. Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world... wfi @ vsnl.com and admin@wildfilmsindia.com.
Repti.net (reptinet)
Indian spiny-tailed lizard
Indian spiny-tailed lizard is a species of agamid lizard. These lizards are mainly herbivorous are live in numbers in some areas. These lizards are found in loose clusters and attract raptors and predators. The Spiny-tailed lizard has a rounded head with a flat snout. It is usually yellowish brown, sandy or olive in colour. It has distinctive tail whorls of spiny scales with large spines on the side which give the lizard its name. They are limbed lizards with broad heads and stout bodies, and most adults grow up to about 25 to 30 cm (10 to 12 inches) in length. Their stout tail is armed with numerous protective spines that discourage most predators. Some spiny-tailed lizards defend themselves by partly entering their burrows and then violently lashing their exposed tails from side to side at their enemies. All species lay eggs and are predominately herbivorous as adults. Thisfootage is part of the professionally-shot stock footage archive of Wilderness Films India Ltd., the largest collection of imagery from South Asia. The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of thousands of hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM 1080i High Definition, HDV and Digital Betacam. Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world... wfi @ vsnl.com and admin@wildfilmsindia.com.
Repti.net (reptinet)
Unidentified Lizard
An unidentified lizard with bright white lips and yellow dewlap was spotted at the edge of a jungle. Can anyone please help to identify it...
Repti.net (reptinet)
Feeding Pogona henrylawsoni
Generally I try to feed them with everything but unfortunately today I have only mealworms and dandelion leaves. There is no UV light as I have a special bulb that has to be on only 15minutes a day. This is Helmut, he's 2 years old and he's been very aggressive until I provided him with some company.
Repti.net (reptinet)
Chewy Takes a Bath
not too exciting, but cute non the less.. my youngest bearded dragon Chewy takes a bath in the sink
Repti.net (reptinet)
Crested River Dragon
The Crested River Dragon is an agamid and is in the genus Gonocephalus. Which means Angle-Headed Lizard. These agamids are known as Crested Forest Dragons, and Great Angle-Headed Dragons. They are green and have a yellow speckles all over their blue underside.
Repti.net (reptinet)
Kali waving at female
I'm always interested when my big male exhibits more submissive behaviour. he only seems to around the lady lizards and will sometimes chat to them from afar like this for hours.
Repti.net (reptinet)
Lizard slide show
Please watch in HD and full screen. In order of appearance: Chinese water dragon Spiny tailed agamid 2 x Green crested basilisk Rhinoceros iguana Australian eastern water dragon Chuckwalla & collared lizard Glass lizard Juvenile Jemen chameleons Bearded dragon Giant Madagascar day gecko Shingle back skink
Repti.net (reptinet)
Sub Adult Philippine Sailfin Dragon Pair
This is a true sub adult pair, these are very nice and very big. almost full grown but definitely ready to breed. The male is 3ft, female is 2.5 ft and both are FLAWLESS, no nose rub, no missing digits, no tail tip missing.
Repti.net (reptinet)
Flying Dragon Lizard
This is a video of all the different species of Draco Lizard. They live mostly in Borneo and surrounding Islands. The Glide from tree to tree with extendable rib flaps. They can glide for two hundred meters or more. [No Copyright Infringement Intended]
Repti.net (reptinet)
Neon Tree Dragon (Japalura Splendida) UPDATE
New setup for my neon tree dragon, soon to be filled in with more jungle stuff. Juvenile, he's about 6 inches right now and should reach a size of about 12-14 inches full grown. Anyone else with these lizards should post response vids, let's get a tree dragon chain going! more updates soon, also i can't seem to think of a name--anyone got ideas??
Repti.net (reptinet)
Rhino Horned Lizard
The Rhino Horned Lizard inhabits the forests of Sri Lanka. It has an elongated scale on it's nose which gives it it's name. Nobody know what they use this horn for, maybe they use it to impress females and keep males away. It has irregular scales, which means some are bigger than others and it happens in random patterns. They git up to 12in. long or one foot. It is also known as the Mountain Horned Agama. Music is a Requiem for a Dream Remix. [No Copyright Infringement Intended]
Repti.net (reptinet)
Hydrosaurus Amboinensis Sub-Adult Pair
Beautiful Sailfin Dragons, not weberei or pustulatus. Sub Adults, about 18 months old, raised as hatchlings, parasite free, Healthy and FLAWLESS. Male is loaded with blue, female is very light green/yellowish. Male is 2.5ft, female is 2ft, feeding on mustard greens, collard greens, dandelions, spinach, squash, tomato, carrot, berries, mealworms, crickets, roaches, and pinkies. Very skittish but not aggressive. Full Fingers, no nose rub.
Repti.net (reptinet)