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Videos (test) » Sköldpaddor - Landsköldpaddor» Geochelone sulcata» Fluffy, My African Spurred Tortoise

Fluffy, My African Spurred Tortoise

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This is a video of my new pet, Fluffy. He is a 15 year old African Spurred Tortoise (Geochelone sulcata). A friend of mine found him on the highway in the middle of the desert where his previous owners dumped him off to die a horrible death by freezing from our extremely harsh winters or starve to death. Most likely they done this because they couldn't afford to feed him or properly house him. For a very detailed list of nutrients in vegetables & fruits including calcium to phosphorus ratios, oxalic acid, protein, fat, goitrogenic vegetables & required vitamin & mineral supplements, please visit my web page @ www.diversityinutah.com Please rate, comment and subscribe!

Publicerad av reptinet 2011-06-16 21:16:17


